How to get involved
Our goal is to produce the best possible tools for quality independent journalism. To do this, we rely on our partnerships and the cooperation of the community at large. Our working process puts empathy and understanding of news creators’ needs front and centre.
There are many ways to get involved with Sourcefabric and our projects, both on the commercial and nonprofit sides.
Join us!
All our tools are intended to be shaped and used by a wide variety of collaborators. We are always looking for new commercial projects, prospective partners for media development and innovation, funders of media development projects as well as code contributors, volunteers and new colleagues to help make our tools better and further the development of independent quality journalism worldwide.
Commercial projects
Technology and journalism are so intertwined that it has become hard to imagine one without the other. From complex CRMs to plug-ins, tech tools have become intrinsic to everyday journalism. In terms of investment, these tools can rank high up on the balance sheet. Spending money is, of course, a reality for any business while spending it wisely is the true challenge.
Usage license fees for proprietary software can be prohibitive, even to large organisations. Very often, this software allows little or no flexibility around customisation and offers limited support when you really need it.
This is where we are different. We make tools for and with the people who use them. We value quality in our products and sustainability for your investment.
Investing in open source means freedom. Freedom to shape, use and own the tools you are working with on a daily basis exactly how you want them. As you change and grow, so do your tools, giving you the best value for your money.
Working with Sourcefabric makes financial sense and is a sound investment on all fronts.
All of our tools can be customised and extended according to the needs of your organisation. Whether it’s about adapting and implementing what is already there or developing brand new features and functionalities, Sourcefabric offers:
Contribute code
Joining the Sourcefabric community and contributing code is a great way to meet other talented developers, make your work more visible and develop your skills further while having a bit of fun in the process.
You found a bug? Have a great idea? Go to our issue tracker and create a new ticket, then start working on it. You may also consider working on an existing issue.
In general, contributing code to any Sourcefabric project –whether it is a new feature or a bug fix- is simple and follows this general path:
Donate your time ideas and knowledge
Much of what we do at Sourcefabric relies on our community of volunteers. Volunteering with Sourcefabric is a great opportunity to support media development in a way that works with your busy schedule. From contributing code to providing translations, we need help from any and all willing participants.