As most of our staff is currently working from home, we are unable to answer the phone in our Prague office. Please send an email to [email protected] and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.



The latest updates about Sourcefabric

The shift from Live Blog 2.0 to 3.0: everything you need to know

by Holman Romero 23.09.2015
The shift from Live Blog 2.0 to 3.0: every
The shift from Live Blog 2.0 to 3.0: every

Today marks the release of Live Blog 3.0 beta. While this is exciting, it brings up some important questions about the differences between the 2.0 and 3.0 versions. What's new in 3.0? Why is 3.0 considered a completely different product than 2.0? What does Superdesk have to do with all of this? Read on my on.

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Introducing two new Superdesk developers

by Magdalena Klein 02.09.2015
Introducing two new Superdesk developers
Introducing two new Superdesk developers

Among the latest additions to our organisation were three new developers. We’ve already introduced Oleg, the Booktype developer. Here’s the joint team profile of the two Superdesk developers: Aleksandar and Nemanja.

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Why integrating image verification in the newsroom matters

by Letizia Gambini 18.06.2015
Why integrating image verification in the
Why integrating image verification in the

Images always increased the power of a story. And this never more so than today. The proliferation of smartphones and digital cameras means that when news occurs, the first person to capture it will likely not be a journalist. User-generated content is flooding newsrooms, however, it seems newsrooms struggle with verification of this content, frequently misunderstand it, or — at worst — ignore...

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