As most of our staff is currently working from home, we are unable to answer the phone in our Prague office. Please send an email to [email protected] and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Codemotion is an innovative tech event engaging developers and designers of all languages and technologies in presentations & conversations about: mobile, web, Makers, startup ideas, game development and creative coding.
Lisa Lang has a rich history as a digital information technology and new media game changer. She has recently joined the Sourcefabric team as our new Head of Products.
Resonance FM and Sourcefabric began brainstorming ideas for a 'perfect' open source radio automation software back in 2010. Chris Weaver tells us about his first days at the station and how independent radio has impacted him.
Guest writer, Amy O' Donnell of FrontlineSMS discusses why radio is becoming more of an interactive platform for communities to share ideas. When it comes to the tools radio stations use to manage both content scheduling and audience interaction, she says, the next step to consider is how to make sure these tools are as multi-platform as the conversations happening around them.