Building the next generation of journalism tools with #newsbeta

Open software for open media.
Starting with a summer of collaborative projects, #newsbeta is an initiative that will help coders and non-coders work together to build news tools for amazing independent media organisations.
Why do we need you?
Many of our partners are in transitional or conflict environments, where access to the right tools can make the difference for a news organisation trying to survive, and for people trying to access truly independent news. Whether you think of it as karma for code, or an extension of the open source mentality to journalism, every effort helps.
How can you get involved?
If you're a developer, we need your code. First off, jump into Github and start following our projects. Maybe you'll have the skills to make a difference at a key moment of development. Keep an eye on the blog here too for specific calls, coding challenges and meet-ups you can attend.
If you're a journalist, we need your expertise. News workflows are unique and the more input we can get from you, the better the tools, the more difference they can make. We'll be making it easy for you to vote on things like interface design and apps. Want that button moved? Need integration with Mailchimp? Through workshops, Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook, you'll be able to shape development.
What will you get?
Aside from a warm feeling and the usual plethora of badges, stickers and branded USB sticks (collect 'em all!), you get a chance to attend events (and maybe run your own), learn new skills, and to meet other coders and news organisations that might need and pay for your work.
Plus, of course, a chance to be part of a global movement that is transforming journalism, one newsroom at a time.
What's coming up?
- Superdesk interface design challenges
- News app building with the Newscoop API
- Beta test open source live-blogging software with Global Editors Network
- Citizen journalist platform hacks
- Code sprints for our new media management framework Ally-Py
- A Hacks/Hackers meet-up in Berlin on July 16th
- WYSIWHAT? A meetup about the future of wysiwyg editors in Berlin on July 23rd
- More. Much more.
Sounds complicated? It doesn't have to be. We'll guide you through the process every step of the way with blogs, hangouts and screencasts.
Where does it all happen?
Here. This blog will be the central repository for the #newsbeta activities, but of course we'll be using other channels to open code (Github), post pictures (Tumblr), set challenges (Facebook) and crowdsource opinion (Twitter).
We've set up a specific #newsbeta newsletter too. Sign up, and you won't miss a beat. Or a beta. Welcome aboard!